Lifestyle Intervention Programme
One-on-one programme that will empower you to make sustainable lifestyle changes for your long-term health.
Way to Health Doesn’t Have To Be Miserable.
Will I live longer or will it simply feel longer? What is the point of living longer without life’s pleasures?
Many people who feel they need some life changes ask themselves these questions and often, these very questions, are the main reason they do not even try.
If that is your worry too, I have a good news – you will not only be able to live longer, healthier life but also feel better and enjoy your life more.
You will feel empowered and in control of your health and life
You will replace viscious circle of disease by virtuous circle of health
You will have more energy to do the things you like
You will think more clearly
Your fertility and sex drive will improve
And much more
‘For lifestyle changes to be sustainable, they have to be pleasurable and meaningful, fun and joyful, loving and feeling good, as well as effective—and freely chosen. What you gain has to be much more than what you give up—and quickly!’
Dr Dean Ornish
What to Expect
We will start with an in-depth consultation.
I take into account your whole life and assess your health from all perspectives, therefore we will discuss your goals, preferences, medical conditions, medical history, lifestyle habits, daily schedule, familly history and more.
Armed with this information, we will identify areas that need to be worked on and create a plan to address them. Here’s what you can expect:
Tailored Action Plan
You will receive customized action plans regarding the area or areas of your life that you will be working on.
We will make sure that the plan is clear and easy to implement in your current life following a SMART approach (meaning the plan has to be Specific, Measurable, Achivable, Relevant and Time-bound)
Ongoing Support
Making lifestyle changes at the beginning can be a chalenge and that is why I am with you every step of the way, especially at the initial stage.
The first in-depth consultation is followed by regular check-ups during which we will assess the situation, answer your questions and make adjustments to the plan whenever necessary. They will also help you to stay motivated and reassured that you are on the right track.
The frequency of the check-ups will gradually decrease as the changes get more established.
Human being is a thinking being and therefore understanding the “why” behind the changes is absolutely crucial in order to make the plan sustainable. That is why I provide you with the knowledge and resources to help you make informed choices about your lifestyle choices, which will empower you to take control of your health.
Stay Informed. Stay Healthy. Subscribe Today!
Online from anywhere in the world
In person in Vevey, Switzerland